Forget Getting Your Ducks In a Row. You Need Competent Strategies That Change The Right Things

You’ve had people calling with ‘offers to buy’ your business.

You’ve had people calling with ‘offers to buy’ your business. What should you do?

Are Buyers Searching for Your Business to Acquire?

Stats Show M&A Buying Activity Picking Up … But Acquirers Have Reservations. Turns Out Sellers Do Too. What Will Break This Stand Off?

Is this the right time to sell your business?

You've probably heard the news - lots of mergers & acquisitions action out there. So is this the right time to sell your business?

Key takeaways from Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal
Key takeaways

Reductionist hierarchical management techniques no longer work because organizations are too large for any one person to make all the decisions. The military and Ford motor company use a new management style where your team operates as a network with a shared consciousness and every member is empowered to execute.

Business Decision Making

We find that many businesses don’t think about the impacts of their decisions. The tasks they assign themselves are irrelevant if the bigger questions have not been addressed.

Organizational network analysis
Gain insight, drive smart

​ Visualizing and analyzing formal and informal relationships in your organization can help you shape business strategy that maximizes organic exchange of information, thereby helping your business become more sustainable and effective.

Want Growth? Hire People Who Can Get Upclose & Personal

Top Ten Attributes of a Successful Human Being

The Key To Being a Great Leader
Are your people working with you or against you?

We’ll give you the answer right here so you can decide if reading this post is worth your time.

Business Valuation Quizzes

Company Growth Quiz


You will be gone through step-by-step evaluation process that will discover both strong and weak sides of your business. In such a way you will have a second opinion, fresh look at the current situation and as a consequence you will be able to take necessary actions if you think those are good points to apply.

Take the Quiz

Is your Company Saleable?


Every business owner should know if their biggest asset is saleable. Learn inside tips to improve your odds and test yourself.

Take the Quiz


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